Autorius Tema: Išpardavimas  (Skaityta 8389 kartus)


  • Peasant
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  • Įrašai: 19
« Įrašytas: Sausis 09, 2017, 10:28 »
Parduodu board gamus.
1. Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2005m. (first edition) (SOLD)
2. Arckham horror 2005m.
3. Twilight imperium 2005m. (third edition)
4. Warcraft 2003m.(SOLD)
5. Lord of the rings
6. Lord of the rings Confrontation (deluxe edition)
7. A game of thrones 2003m. (first edition)
8. A game of thrones A clash of kings expansion 2004m.
9. A game of thrones A storm of swords expansion 2006m.
10. LT gamas dovanu :D (Padovanotas)